What’s In My Inbox | How to focus on the very real need to fight hunger *right now*

May 30, 2017

I’ve supported Preemptive Love Coalition for awhile now. This organization is a global effort and movement that engages “the world’s most polarizing conflicts by confronting fear with acts of love.” Preemptive Love’s activity is donor and supporter-driven, and when their email communications convey this, they do so directly. Like the most recent Preemptive Love email to hit my inbox with the header, “Before you got out of bed today…”

The message opens with numbers in a way that is very compelling: “You fed 25k – 30k people.” From start to finish, it is short, direct, and highly specific, a plea for continued support to keep the Aleppo feeding center open to provide sustenance to thousands of hungry families. The urgency is obvious. Not only is the very human problem of hunger revealed, so is a possible and again, specific solution: $25 can help feed a family for a month… The email opens with gratitude and, standing upon that very platform, solidifies not just a future need, but a now need to galvanize continued donor support. Check it out…

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