Lessons From MotivateMonday | Does a development plan lead to fundraising success?

November 9, 2022

Does a development plan lead to fundraising success?

That was the question Barbara O’Reilly wanted answered. So, together with Dr. Adrian Sargeant and The Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy, they embarked on the first study of its kind to examine just how fundraising planning is undertaken — and what the impact on revenue raised really is.

The answer?

  1. Planning drives income, donor retention, and confidence.
  2. A written fundraising plan increases the odds of increased revenue by 148%.
  3. Second gift and subsequent retention is 12% higher when there is a written plan.

Yogi Berra’s famous quote, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else” sometimes seems to be the guiding principle behind the way many nonprofits approach fundraising. You’ll find your mission better served by a thoughtful plan. One that you can actually implement.

Watch this episode of MotivateMonday from earlier this year with guest presenter, Barbara O’Reilly, CFRE, to discover why you should have a development plan and what it should include.

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