What’s In My Inbox | Save the Chimps shows us the power of consistency

February 5, 2019

What’s one way you can gain yours donors’ trust, show them that giving to your organization was the right decision, and make sure that they don’t forget you? Consistency! If a donor (or prospective donor) signs up for your nonprofit’s enews or alerts, expecting you to touch base weekly or monthly, how are you living up to their expectations? If months and months go by with no word from you, what will they think?

If you were on the donor side, and you were the one experiencing radio silence (or horrible communications), how would you feel?

Friday is a great time for a Happy Friday type of email, and Save the Chimps is totally on the ball with it. They’re reaching out to their donors on a weekly basis, and in the best way possible: by adding a touch of delight. You can’t go wrong with uplifting your audience, especially when you do it on a regular basis. It’s why I try to kick the week off right with Motivate Monday — to uplift and inspire. People have responded positively to it. They trust that I’ll be there every week, usually to introduce a presenter. Sometimes, I present on my own. Either way, they’re getting valuable content and gaining insight. They’re getting revved up for their fundraising pursuits, too, and I like that.

And people, including yours truly, have responded positively to Friday emails from Save the Chimps. Check out a few that I’ve received recently. Notice how there’s a lot of variety going on. Each one is different. Just because you want to reach out on a weekly basis doesn’t mean you’re in danger of being redundant.

There are opportunities to donate and adopt a chimp. One December email features great holiday gift ideas, straight from their store. A couple of emails open with beautiful quotes that fit in with the content perfectly. One email simply thanks donors for their support and making Save the Chimps’ work possible. The email messages are short and concise, while the stunning photographs never fail to catch my eye. Each email is titled “Happy Friday!” and that’s great. I trust Save the Chimps to send them every week, and I really enjoy them.

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