What’s in my Inbox | Greenpeace does #donorlove right

December 8, 2015


Greenpeace, if you aren’t already familiar, is an organization passionately dedicated to campaigning for environmental issues on a global scale, including climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and more. They explain their goal is to “ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity,” and this objective is inextricably tied to the work that they do. Over the years, Greenpeace has cultivated widespread recognition and a fiercely loyal, passionate donor base. There are many reasons for how they got there, and one of them most likely involves their stellar email communications.

I know that my friend, nonprofit copywriter Lisa Sargent, is always on the lookout for examples of terrific ‘donor love’ communications, so I forwarded this one on to her. Her take:

Notice the way they write it? “When XXX happened… you were there… you took action… you met them with your kayaks”. Not we. You.

Now THAT’S how it’s done!!!

Even the subject header reads: Thank you for stopping Shell.

I personally can’t explain it any better, and I was instantly reminded of the BCASPCA mailing Rory Green scanned for me only a couple of weeks ago. Once again, the donor is the hero of the narrative, driving the point home that not only is it true that organizations cannot create meaningful change without their donors, but that they are decidedly aware of this fact.

In the case of this Greenpeace email, I was once again reminded of the power behind the word “you”. I highly recommend that each one of your communications, whether email or direct mail contain the y-word. Not just once or twice, but sprinkled liberally throughout.

#donorlove. This is how it’s done.

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