What’s in my Mailbox | It’s just emotion that’s taken me over….

July 22, 2015


One of my favorite copywriting quotes hangs above my desk and comes via one of my favorite copywriters, Indra Sinha:

”Don’t start by writing. Start by feeling. Feel, and feel passionately, and the emotion you feel will come through the spaces in between the words.

Today’s What’s in my Mailbox, courtesy of Tom Ahern, is a marvelous example of using emotion to engage. But here, I’ll let Tom tell it:

“This letter went to a mailing list of people who had made one-time memorial gifts to Sharp HospiceCare, part of San Diego’s Grossmont Hospital. The hope: to convert them into repeat donors. The letter brought in more than $15,000 for a cost-per-dollar-raised of 33 cents. The letter adopts Memorial Day as a day especially relevant for those who believe in Hospice. It was printed one-sided on two sheets of ivory watermarked Classic Crest monarch-sized stationery.

It’s a pretty straightforward letter. It makes a logical connection to a holiday of remembrance. And it tells a story of loss and consolation that could find an emotional echo in almost anyone. To get in the proper mood, I put on some somber music and imagined how I’d feel if my own beloved wife were gone (sorry, Simone). I bawled like ababy and wrote.”

Click the image below to download the package.

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