What’s In My Inbox | A Nonprofit Gratitude Report

July 28, 2022

Summertime presents the best time for the nonprofit fundraiser to layer on the gratitude to the wonderful supporters that make your good work possible.

This Gratitude Report from Seniors First, an Orlando nonprofit with a mission of “enhancing the quality of life of seniors by maintaining their independence and dignity,” fits the bill.

Gratitude reports go beyond the typically jargon-laden nonprofit annual report, to give supporters thanks and provide them with concrete evidence of what their support provides. Supporters can see, easily and at a glance, the good work their gifts make possible.

Wendy Jackson, Chief Development Officer:

“We sent hard copies via direct mail to all donors, regardless of donor type, that made donations in 2021 since it was the 2021 report. We did send to a few others as well that we flagged to be on the mailing list. The letter that accompanied the constant contact was also sent as a cover letter to the direct mail piece, although the content was longer. Each cover letter was addressed to the donor by name and Marsha (our President/CEO) and I both personally signed each one and made notes on the letters as well. The report is on our website and we will be sharing on social as well.”

Download Seniors First’s Gratitude Report by clicking the image below.



What’s in My Mailbox | This Post-COVID Gratitude Report Packs a Punch

What’s in My Mailbox | This Nonprofit Gratitude Report Shines

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Simple Development Systems Podcast | Creating Your ‘Gratitude Report’

What’s in my Mailbox | An Annual Report that celebrates donors

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