Fundraising Friday | October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018

Looking for an example of a great enews? Look no further than this one, from Human Rights Watch. This week’s What’s in my Inbox.

How did an already good thank you letter get transformed into a device of gratitude, beauty and joy? Check out this week’s What’s in My Mailbox for a thank you letter makeover from none other than Lisa Sargent, founder of the SOFII Thank You Letter clinic.

Is Giving Tuesday right for your nonprofit? While we are a fan of the gratitude approach to this manufactured holiday, if your organization IS participating, KISS. Great advice from John Haydon.

5 Ways to Enhance a Donor’s Personal Journey with Video. A terrific guest post from our friends at NEON.

Nancy Schwartz is back and better than ever! Share G.R.E.A.T. Stories to Advance Your Goals 

Is there a tool out there for making quick and easy video? Sort of a Canva for video? Kivi Leroux Miller found out.

Political fundraising is usually SO bad, right? But here’s a tactic you could use. New from The Agitator.

Words of Wisdom

An investment manager friend of mine noted that “there are investment managers out there that only invest in companies with a certain number of female executives purely because of the data that shows they outperform over time. And they do so in a responsible way. She also noted “there’s a reason why the army charges women with reconstruction efforts after fighting is finished. They do better things with the money.” I feel the same way about fundraising professionals.

T. Clay Buck, CFRE said: “Got advice today. SO good. “Who’s your organization historian? Emeritus board member? Schedule regular meetings with them to review lapsed major donor lists. They’ll know & have great stories & be thrilled to be included/asked for advice.” SUCH a good idea.”

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