What’s In My Inbox | Is this the best email thank you I’ve ever received?

May 16, 2019

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Since 1973, they’ve supported vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of global injustice and poverty in Ireland. A few days ago, I made a donation to this organization. In return, I received a thank you email that really spoke to me, and it began with these words…

These are the moments that you make real…

This subject header struck a perfect balance. First off, the words feel genuine. They’re sentimental without being schmaltzy. They inspire emotion, curiosity, and interest, too. What moments?

As you may already know, I’m a mother to two daughters. The first paragraph of this thank you email (after the greeting), reads:

Can you picture what it means to a loving mother to know her children can sleep safe and warm, for the first time in God knows how long? And imagine the peace you bring when her babies wake to a hearty breakfast instead of the aching gnaw of an empty stomach. That’s the real human face. That’s what your kindness makes possible.

Whew. I think that even for those who aren’t mothers, who don’t have children at all, these words have the power to move and inspire feeling. It’s because they’re rooted in humanity that this is so.

The subsequent paragraphs reveal many more special moments, and they’re all backed by gratitude. In fact, the gratitude in this thank you message is undeniable. Magical, even. In fact, both humanity and gratitude are almost palpable here, and for an organization dealing with human life, that’s perfect.

This is a strong email with a strong, clear message of gratitude. What makes it so great is the actual message, which is signed by Trócaire’s CEO, Caoimhe De Barra. The email doesn’t need much else. There are no graphics or bright colors. It’s all about the content here, and it’s content that communicates beautifully. Check it out in entirety below…

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