Fundraising Friday | April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015


Ask, thank, report, thank some more (you can’t have too many thanks), ask again…rinse and repeat. Most importantly, figure out what works for YOUR donors. And don’t miss Roger Craver’s series, Raise More, Ask Less. Read ’em all.

Answering the age-old question: What if two of our similar grant proposals get funded?

Do you give too much? Do you have a hard time saying no? New from Sheena Greer, Selfless Boundary Issues.

How did TED’s social media editor turn the bullying comment tide to positivity?

Can you get a good website on a small budget? You better believe it.

I’m not the kind of person who. New from Seth Godin.

Getting Fundraising Right. It really is this simple. From Sasha Dichter.

Simple Development Systems member, Rachel Ramjattan, weighs in with an amazing success story in 7 Fabulous Nonprofit Fundraising Lessons From Farming.

If you’re a hummingbird fan (I am!), don’t miss this week’s What’s in my Inbox.

And, in What’s in my Mailbox, you’ll find The Nature Conservancy with a planned giving mailing.

Still wondering if this stuff works? It does when you master it. Terrific case study from Lisa Sargent, Denisa Casement, and Merchants Quay Ireland.


More on mastery: Nonprofit Fundraising’s New Secret Weapon: Mastery

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