What’s In My Mailbox | Basics & More Alum has learned the lessons of #donorlove

November 15, 2017

I’m proud to say that Intervale Center is a Basics & More alum who has mastered the lessons behind #donorlove. #donorlove, hashtagged or not, is never a buzzword. #donorlove is the framework that provides the tools for nonprofits to empower their donors and create lasting relationships. #donorlove is dynamic and always in flux, because as fundraisers, we are always learning and growing.

The mission of Intervale Center, a Vermont-based organization, is rooted in food sustainability. For almost 30 years, they’ve managed a vast campus of farmland, trails, and open space along the Winooski River. Intervale Center’s goals include land sustainability, farm viability, and serving as a model for food and farming organizations all over.

A letter from Intervale Center recently landed in my mailbox, and it embraced #donorlove in a way that made me downright proud to be able to call them an alum. To see how they’d not only read the Basics & More course materials, but pulled takeaways from the lessons and put them into action.

So what did I like about this particular piece?

  • A *real* stamp on envelope, which is personally addressed (not shown)
  • The bold passages, where Intervale Center brings it back to the donor
  • They speak directly to me and our relationship, making a reference to my past gift
  • The personal note, handwritten by Mandy, their Development Director

Take a look at the letter for yourself to see serious #donorlove in action. And after you’re finished, be sure to read this post I wrote a few years ago, all about the I-word. Yep. Implementation. It’s one thing to open the materials (or glance at the tools) and read them from start to finish. But implementation? That’s when you take it to a whole ‘nother level.

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