What’s in my Inbox | The start of a beautifully integrated campaign

February 23, 2016


Do your direct mail and email campaigns exist separately? Say it isn’t so! Take a cue from Ontario Nature’s beautifully integrated membership campaign…

Imagine the typical scenario, a situation that not only your donors find themselves in often, but that you and me find ourselves in often: going through our mail on a regular basis. Whether you do this on the daily or wait a couple of days to go through your stack, mail is a constant in our lives, and direct mail isn’t going anywhere.

So leading up to your direct mail with a short email, like Ontario Nature has, is a smart move that opens a door. By communicating with your donors via email that direct mail will follow, you pique the curiosity and set the stage for the next event. It’s an opportunity to build anticipation for when it comes time for your people to rifle through their mailbox contents. When they do go through their mail, you’ll be at the forefront of their minds. Pretty cool, right?

What else has the dynamic duo of email-direct mail achieved here? Well, Ontario Nature’s reason for the email is their renewal package, a device that encourages their donors to communicate with them and partake in an important conversation that could impact the organization’s future. Don’t you think that the initial email not only gets the ball rolling, but increases the likelihood that the package gets opened?

Has Ontario Nature piqued your interest? Are you itching to see what that renewal package looks like? Stay tuned for tomorrow’s What’s In My Mailbox, and I’ll be back with their second installment.


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