What’s in My Inbox | A Lesson in Repurposing

October 5, 2022

SmartKIDS with Learning Disabilities is “dedicated to helping parents realize their children’s significant gifts and talents, and demonstrating that with their love, guidance, and the right support, their children can live happy and productive lives.”

And when this piece landed in my inbox, it touched my heart. My own daughter has been embarrassed when she required extra time or a special situation for her learning disabilities.

Josephine’s story is told simply and well. And this simple line:

But the support of people like you empowered her to embrace her identity as a student with LD

brings the supporter into the picture.

This email is also a terrific example of repurposing donor communications. It served both as a follow-up to the organization’s print newsletter, and a “warm-up” piece for their year-end campaign.

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