Simple Development Systems Podcast | Creating a Culture of Philanthropy with Andrea McManus

September 22, 2014

Developing a culture of philanthropy is critical to your organization’s fundraising success.  But what does it mean?

SDSPodcastGraphicHere are a few signs, from the pages of Simple Development Systems, that your organization has embraced a culture of philanthropy:

  • Everyone understands the need to raise money and is willing to do what it takes to support the effort, regardless of their role in the organization.
  • Everyone represents the organization – and everyone helps to identify potential new friends.
  • Everyone can articulate a case for giving and how a gift will be used.
  • All of your internal processes are donor-centric – that means that they’re set up for your donors’ benefit, not yours.
  • You welcome donor visits to your offices and program sites.
  • Everyone takes turns welcoming at the front desk and phoning donors.
  • Your executive director sees him/herself as the “face of the agency.”
  • The executive director is 100% committed and personally involved in fundraising.
  • Your organization’s clients and donors are viewed as experts in how the organization carries out its mission and are regularly invited to share their stories.
  • 100% of your board members contribute financially.

Take a few minutes to watch this video featuring Andrea McManus from Nonprofit Best Practices.

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And then listen in on my 20 minute podcast with Andrea where she offers up suggestions on how you can help your nonprofit create that shift to a more donor-focused organization.


Additional Resources

How is your organization creating a culture of philanthropy? One organization’s story
Creating a culture of philanthropy | Cara’s Motivations
I cried for the donor | Creating a culture of philanthropy

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