What’s in my Mailbox | Nonprofit card mailing that speaks to the heart

June 17, 2015

WhatsinmymailboxHow are nonprofit organizations using the power of direct mail to connect with their donors? Join us every Wednesday for What’s in my Mailbox!

I loved this card mailing from Food for the Poor on a number of levels. The smaller envelope featuring what appeared to be hand-written addressing, opened to reveal a small, personal card, along with a photograph of baby Susan, “9 months old, only 9 pounds.” The note-card reads: “As the enclosed email explains, the survival of children like Susan depends on you. Your gift of $35 can save precious lives.” Then the package includes this email from Honduras Director, Gloria Elvir, that looks like it was printed off the office printer. While I know that this piece was mass produced, it gives the appearance of a personal communication. A brilliant, creative approach. Click on the image below to download the package.

For more on Food for the Poor and how they relate to their donors, check out last year’s podcast with Angel Aloma.


What is What’s in my Inbox, What’s in my Mailbox, and the Power of Storytelling? Glad you asked. Simple Development Systems is a program for creating your sustainable fundraising by always keeping your donors front and center. It’s a super simple simple rinse-and-repeat system of sharing your gratitude, and your stories – online and off – on a consistent basis. Join us every week for Power of Nonprofit Storytelling (Mondays), What’s in my Inbox (Tuesdays), and What’s in my Mailbox (Wednesdays).

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