What’s In My Inbox | Email “call to action” buttons go creative

August 8, 2017

The “Donate Now” button has become ubiquitous in nonprofit email communications, and as interactive as it is, it’s grown a little bit stale (by the way, if you’re curious about which performs better, Give Now or Donate Now, check out this article).

But whether it’s the single d-word or the word “now” coming after, perhaps inspiring a hint of urgency, your donors don’t just need to know they’re making a difference — they need to know how. The how is an incredibly vital aspect, and through a “call to action button,” you’ve got the chance to communicate how effectively.

So go forth and test it. Inject a little bit of excitement, making it unique to your donors and your organization. Use something that has the ability to speak specifically to the wonderful people who support your mission. And let these call-to-action button examples inspire you to be creative and think beyond the rigid box of “donate” and “donate now,” starting with this clever and colorful example from ARTZ Philadelphia. Click the ARTZ button to view other examples from…

1. Humane Society
2. Everytown for Gun Safety
3. Human Rights.org
4. Mercy Corps



Last thing? Test it. Experiment with CTA buttons that inspire our donors. It’s all about making the donor feel like a hero and why doing this works so well (hints: human brains! science!).

Updated February 22, 2023.

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