What’s In My Inbox | Keeping it lighthearted *and* keeping it human

October 17, 2018

Political emails. Every day I receive dozens. And they routinely, for lack of a better word, suck. All about meeting their fundraising goals (and I care why?) or fighting the opposition, and nothing about the kind of world I want for myself and my children.

I recently received a GIF-laden email from Allison Walsh, Deputy Finance Director under Scott Wallace for his 2018 congressional campaign. The email header? Want to see a GIF of a dog on a trampoline? The answer? Well, it’s always yes.

It is not an easy time in America. It’s a tense (and often divisive) time for our country and for politics, and with midterm elections just around the corner, the ongoing chaos is amplified to another level. Which makes cute, cuddly, furry things all the more appealing. Check ’em out.

Notice how, despite the prevalence of distraction-worthy GIFs, the important message doesn’t get lost in a jungle of cuteness. Make no mistake: we are still uniting to fight, and we are still going strong. Scott, as well as the awesome people behind him, know this. Allison presents his supporters with a bold and specific call to action, which I love. She asks us to, in honor of Election Day on 11/6, help elect Scott Wallace to Congress through making a donation of $11.60. I am hoping that next month, Pennsylvania makes the right choice and elects Scott to represent us in D.C., because he knows what’s at stake, and our future depends on leaders like him. We’d be lucky to have him.

Although the audience for this email message is primarily democrats, I feel like Scott has the unique power to unite people from all places and political leanings. The son of a chicken hatchery owner and a Planned Parenthood President, Scott’s working class upbringing has shaped him into the person he is today. Before he graduated from Haverford College and Villanova Law, he was working his way through a series of stints: waiter, carpenter’s assistant, gas pumper, hot dog seller, burger flipper, among other jobs. Pretty refreshing departure from the typical silver spoon, boarding school pedigree, don’t you think? Read more about him over here.

I have no idea how this email performed, but I do know that as both a voter and a donor, it was a breath of fresh air in a sea of sameness.


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