What’s In My Inbox | AWAIC knows “we” can light the way through the dark…together

July 17, 2019

Anchorage-based nonprofit Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) is the largest safe shelter in Alaska, and their mission is to help women who are facing domestic violence. Through intervention and prevention programs, they attempt to save women and their families from the ongoing cycle of violence. The work that they do isn’t just life-changing, it’s life-saving.

An email from AWAIC hit my inbox last week, and it comes from Suzi Pearson, their Executive Director, who so kindly agreed to let me spotlight it here. This email delivers a powerful message. In it, I’m recognized as more than just a supporter. In fact, I’m invited to be a partner in AWAIC’s special mission. This comes at a critical time. Alaska is facing state budget cuts that would affect AWAIC and those whom they help. Notice in the message how crystal clear Suzi is about how and why AWAIC would suffer. She points to specific grants, programs, and job positions that would be impacted, and how this would all lead to AWAIC being able to provide assistance to fewer people. This is despite the fact that more and more people are seeking their help. The email message communicates clarity and urgency. The call to action is clear, and it makes me feel like I can step up to help AWAIC help their people. It comes at a time when a lot of us sometimes feel helpless in this world. AWAIC has given me a way to feel less helpless. They’ve handed me a beacon of light during a dark time.

Let’s take a trip through the archives, shall we? There’s this guest post from a few years back that’s worth mentioning here, and it comes from my dear friend, Lisa Sargent. Her communications are aimed at donor loyalty and retention, and she’s the savviest copywriter I know. Anyway, this post is all about how, in nonprofit donor communications, there has been a noticeable collective shift from “you” to “we.” And not the “we” of an institution, standing almighty and great, but “we” as “you and me.” We’re all in this together.

Talk to your donors as “we.” If you haven’t offered your supporters the opportunity to partner up with you, now is the time. It’s time to encourage unity, love, and the power to go forth and make lasting positive change happen.

Check out AWAIC’s message below…

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