What’s In My Inbox | Preemptive Love shoots a win for this Valentine’s Day

January 23, 2018

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Yes, it has taken the shape of vapid, saccharine commercialism over time, and those ubiquitous monogrammed candy hearts are actually pretty gross. But in the whole grand scheme of things, none of that really matters, because you can celebrate V-Day however you want to (or don’t want to). And if you’ve involved in nonprofit work, you can take the time to show your donors that you really care about and appreciate them. It’s a time for celebrating #donorlove, and V-Day simply provides an extra opportunity for you to tie your gratitude to February 14th and express it in a creative way. There are countless ways to make make holidays meaningful, including V-Day. I’ve talked about it before in previous posts, including here, here, here, and here.

Preemptive Love strikes again, launching an arrow right on target and straight into my inbox. The powerful opening line in their short-but-sweet message cuts through all the sugar: “Love is all about intention.” The heart-patterned socks are adorably festive for you or someone you love, and the downloadable, printable valentines are a great way to explain preemptive love to your kids and give them a vehicle to go forth and spread positive messages around this V-Day. Check it out.

Click to download


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