Power of Storytelling | Brandon Stanton once again proves that love conquers all

March 12, 2018

You probably already know who Brandon Stanton is and what he does, either from countless posts within this space that have featured him or reading and hearing about him in the news. Brandon utilizes HONY, his long-running storytelling curation space, as an agent of change to fight against an ongoing catastrophe that has impacted thousands of lives.

Nearly 700,000 Rohingya people, at the mercy of violent Buddhist extremists, have fled their home country of Myanmar and sought refuge in Bangladesh during the last several months, settling in one of two camps nestled just above the border: Kutupalong and Balukahali. They’re barely surviving, even after aid agencies have stepped in to provide help. And monsoon season is just around the corner.

You can read the harrowing individual accounts on over here on HONY’s site, and Brandon has also posted the stories on HONY’s Facebook page.

The current suffering and fear that plague the Rohingya refugees is beyond tragic, and the impending monsoon season undoubtedly makes their future feel even more uncertain. But Brandon has once again put on his superhero cape and risen to the challenge of providing relief to these displaced peoples. In addition to spotlighting their stories, he’s teamed up with Love Army (who’s already raised $2 million on their own for the Rohingya refugees) to launch a fundraiser on gofundme. The goal? To raise $1.5 million to build sturdy houses so that the refugees can brave monsoon season. Each bamboo house costs $630 to build. As of now, the fundraiser has raised over $1,348,000 of its goal with the help of nearly 26,000 donors. And something tells me they’ll break past the $1.5 million mark. Check it out…

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