What’s In My Inbox | Preemptive Love shows how to do a monthly giving email ask

August 14, 2019

I first became aware of Preemptive Love Coalition when one of my Basics & More students told me that she was impressed by the thank you that she received after she made a donation. PLC’s mission is to provide safety to families who are trying to escape violence. They help them reclaim home and rebuild their lives during turbulent times. PLC gives hope to families who need it most. They’re doing important work, especially now. We are at a time in this world when refugees are in serious crisis.

I received an email from PLC earlier this week, and the subject header immediately caught my eye. Give refugee boys hope beyond fences. Through this message, PLC has given me something to think long and hard about. Because when it comes to helping refugees, the focus is often either on women or on entire families. Here, the focus is on young boys. The email message begins…

Boys in refugee camps are at a particular disadvantage. They are expected to carry most of the weight for their families—finding food, working to provide an income, and protecting their family.

The message goes on to explain the hardships refugee boys face, including trauma and disadvantage that is deeply rooted within their lives. They’ve grown up dealing with instability. PLC provides care for some of these boys, aged toddler to teenager, at their center. Now, PLC is giving me a chance to help empower these youth and help them grow strong and resilient in the face of danger. The situation outlined is specific, and so are the opportunities to offer my help. Two monthly giving options are provided: one for $20, and one for $30. Each dollar amount accomplishes specific things. I like the prominently displayed red donate button: Give refugee boys possibility.

I see here an opportunity to bring hope during a time of chaos. It’s a chance to unite and to help break the cycle of violence with love, and to do it on a regular basis. This message, along with the request for a monthly gift, is something I won’t soon forget. Check it out in full below…

For additional reading:

How To Set Up Your Nonprofit’s Website For Monthly Giving

How to work your monthly giving program with an email campaign

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