What’s in my Inbox | You can never thank too much

July 14, 2015


How are nonprofit organizations using the power of email to connect with their donors? Join us every Tuesday for solid examples you can incorporate into your own email marketing.

What does your email thank you look like? Is it more of a receipt, or does it ooze donor love? When you think about how you thank your donors following an online gift, you’ll want to think first and foremost about how you want them to feel. Keep your thanks warm, real and personal (great example here). And remember: email is wholly ephemeral. It’s here and gone — and easily missed. You can never thank too much.

For a marvelous example of the ‘you can’t thank too much’ philosophy, take a look at this series I received from Donors Choose following a $10 donation. Click the image below to download the series.


In both Simple Development Systems: Successful Fundraising for the One-Person Shop, and my membership program, the focus is on creating a sustainable fundraising program by always keeping your donors front and center. We do it by sharing our stories – online, through email, and through direct mail – on a consistent basis. Join us every week for Power of Nonprofit Storytelling (Mondays), What’s in my Inbox (Tuesdays), and What’s in my Mailbox (Wednesdays).

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