What’s In My Inbox | Intervale Center sends me a warm, green thank you

January 8, 2019

I’ve spotlighted donor communications from Intervale Center in the past, both direct mail and email. They’re a Basics & More *and* Simple Development Systems Alum.  This Burlington-based nonprofit is dedicated to “strengthening community food systems,” and they’ve carried out this mission in ways that are innovative and sustainable for the past three decades.

Since it’s January, I’ve been receiving an influx of email, especially those of the year-end thank you variety. I received one from Intervale Center and immediately knew I wanted to share it with you. Like a lot of what I’ve been posting lately, this piece is short and sweet, but there’s plenty to appreciate about it. Here are a few things that I liked:

  1. The layout is simple, warm, and earthy. There are three wonderful photographs at the top. These pictures convey pure joy.
  2. The opening line is “you are amazing.” This sets the stage with authentic gratitude.
  3. The email’s message speaks directly to the donor, acknowledging their role in helping Intervale Center exceed their 2018 fundraising goal, as well as explaining how the donor has helped create a positive impact in Vermont.
  4. The closing is wonderful and features a “closing button.” The gratitude comes from Intervale’s team, as you can see from the many “handwritten” signatures.

This email made me feel good, because it made me feel appreciated. The gratitude is undeniable. The encouragement to continue support is also there. I want to partner with Intervale Center to keep on doing amazing things, because they’ve expressed what I’ve helped to make possible. Check out the email below.

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